ADC Objects to Islamophobic Remarks by Huckabee Aide

Washington, DC | January 25, 2008 | | Today the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) sent a letter to Republican presidential candidate and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. ADC, the nation‘s largest civil rights organization working on behalf of the Arab-American community, relayed its deep concern over the recent appointment of James Pinkerton as a senior advisor to the Huckabee campaign. As a contributor to Fox News and a columnist for Newsday, Pinkerton had made several troubling statements concerning Muslim Americans, immigrants, the use of torture, and what Pinkerton terms as, “Muslimization.”
In the letter to Huckabee, ADC National Executive Director Kareem Shora asked the republican presidential candidate to immediately and publicly disassociate himself from Mr. Pinkerton and his comments.
To read ADC‘s letter to Huckabee click here:

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